Cultures in Conflict #16 DVD
Learn lessons from the past that will reshape your life today! This latest DVD in a bestselling series takes you to ancient Greece to consider the challenges Paul faced in Athens and Corinth. You'll learn how Paul's gospel message clashed with a culture that valued wealth, status and pleasure-seeking above all else - values not so different from our present-day culture. Uncover fascinating details and take away truths that help you witness to others!
Filmed on location in Israel and Greece, sessions include:
- Engaging the Mind—Paul in the Stoa of Athens (Athens, 30:30)
- Engaging the Heart (Athens, 28:00)
- Turning Weakness into Strength (Timnah, Corinth, 32:00)
- The Lord's Supper—Discerning the Body (Corinth, Delos, 35:00)
- Transforming the Chaos (Corinth, 33:00)
Ratings & Reviews
2 Reviews
An informative dvd
Harry Rauh| 2021-01-02 11:46
"Cultures In Conflict" is a very informative and interesting dvd! Now, I understand what "not eating meat offered to idols" is about. For me, that was the best part. Also, the comparison between "life in Corinth" and today's society is similar, sadly that's how much it's degenerated. I recommend viewing it!
Good Informative DVD!
Merrilyn Jacobsen| 2021-01-11 16:47
I bought these for my husband for Christmas and he's really enjoying them.