Fresh Hope

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SKU: U00095B


Fresh Hope is a FANTASTIC and much needed resource for the church.

Brad has provided a great resource for the faith community in their effort to serve those who struggle with mood disorders. As a "wounded healer" he has provided a theological framework and philosophy of ministry for the church in partnering with the medical community on behalf of those who live with a chemical imbalance. Brad's story of recovery and growth brings hope to those who are not satisfied with merely coping with the challenges of a harsh medical diagnosis and medication. It is an invaluable resource for the church in coming alongside the millions in our communities who struggle with depression and anxiety. Brad's story of integrating faith in his recovery will bring hope to all who battle with depression. Dr Wendell Nelson Pastor of Spiritual Formation Christ Community Church Pastor Brad Hoefs was diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder in 1995, after experiencing a very public and painful manic episode. This episode led to him being asked to resign as the senior pastor of a large growing church. After his resignation a group of people formed Community of Grace Church and provided the Hoefs with a safe place to heal and find hope.

296 pages

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