Third-Party Cookies
Installing the FluxPlayer to access your digital purchases requires your browser to accept third-party cookies.
Cookies are pieces of data stored by web browsers that websites and applications can use to remember a web browser from one request to the next. They allow features like shopping carts and user account logins to function.
Many web browsers make a distinction between first-party and third-party cookies. First-party cookies are created by the web server identified by the address shown the browser's address bar. Third-party cookies can be created when content is loaded from domains other than the one shown in the address bar.
Some browsers allow users to decide whether or not the third-party cookies should be accepted. To configure your browser to allow third-party cookies, follow the instructions for your chosen browser.
- Click Safari in the menu bar.
- Click Preferences...
- Click the Privacy panel.
- *For the option Cookies and website data, select Always allow.
*In older versions of Safari, for the option Block cookies, select Never.
Internet Explorer
- Click the cog/tools menu icon in the upper right of the window.
- Click Internet Options.
- Click the Privacy tab.
- Click Sites.
- In the Address of website field enter [*] Be sure to include the square brackets before and after the asterisk.
- Click Allow, then OK.
- Click the menu icon in the upper right side of the browser window.
- Click Settings.
- Click Show advanced settings...
- Click Content settings...
- Ensure the option Allow local data to be set (recommended) is selected.
- Click Manage exceptions...
- In the field labeled Hostname pattern enter [*.] Be sure to include the square brackets before and after the asterisk.
- Leave the Behavior drop down set to Allow, then click Done.
- Click the menu icon.
- Open the Options window.
- For Windows users, click Options.
- For Mac OS users, click Preferences...
- Click the Privacy panel.
- In the History section, select Firefox will: Remember history.