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Encountering Our Wild God

SKU: C03535B


Journey into the Mystery of God's Presence

Who our God is and how he works cannot be captured or contained. Our God is extreme. Our God is unstoppable, unfathomable, and untamable. Our God is wild. And he is beckoning us to pursue him beyond our circumstances, beyond our emotions, and beyond our logic into the glorious mystery that is him.

Offering miraculous, inspiring stories of lives and circumstances transformed by the Holy Spirit, author and speaker Kim Meeder shows that God isn't calling us to fully understand him; he's calling us to fully trust Him. Here she gives practical, everyday ways to pursue him more passionately and to trust him more fiercely. The wild beauty and glory of our God are calling. And in this hallowed, thrilling place, we will see his face reflected in the miraculous--and we willexperiencethe limitless nature of our wild God.

256 pages

Ratings & Reviews

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Buy at least two!

Janice| 2021-02-20 15:28

I have enjoyed everything I read by Kim Meeder, but this book by far is my favorite. Her wild love and faith bound off the pages and inspire me. This book is one to be read slowly, and savored, digesting how one can demonstrate their love and faith like she does. I am torn between wanting to put this book in others' hands, and keeping it to reread over and over again. I would suggest you don't buy just one, buy two. One to keep and one to pass on!

Encountering Our Extravagant God

Robert Graham| 2024-08-11 19:10

Excellent book! I love the stories of God's miracles in this woman's life. Makes me realize that everyone of us who loves and serves Jesus Christ can have similar miracles happening in our life as we seek to serve Him. Some stories made me cry. However, the title gave a a double-take. Not sure that, "Wild" is an adequate title for my God - wild denotes out of control. However, our Lord is often over the top in His grace, love and generosity, sometimes coming from left field, yet always in control and always perfect in His actions and answers . I might consider the word, "Extravagant," as a more adequate in the title.

A must read!

Anne| 2025-01-17 3:19

I'm loving this book! I've cried over the stories of how our amazing God works in people's lives!