The New Strong-Willed Child: Surviving Birth Through Adolescence
Is a willful little darling driving you to distraction? The New Strong-Willed Child is the resource you need - a classic bestseller completely rewritten, updated, and expanded for a new generation of parents and teachers. Challenging as they are to raise, strong-willed children can grow up to be men and women of strong character - if lovingly guided with understanding and the right kind of discipline.
Find out what Dr. James Dobson, today's most trusted authority on parenting, has to say about:
- What makes strong-willed children the way they are
- Shaping the will while protecting the spirit
- Avoiding the most common parenting mistake
- Disciplining the strong-willed child
- Sibling rivalry
- Strong-willed adolescents
- Strong-willed children and ADHD
If you are struggling to raise and teach children who are convinced they should be able to live by their own rules, The New Strong-Willed Child is a must-read!
288 pages
Ratings & Reviews
1 Review
Our spiritual growth through FOTF.
Tom & Irene Mayvaian| 2021-02-04 9:11
FOTHF has been a big part of our spiritual growth in God, Christ & the Holy Spirit since early 90's through Dr. James Dobson -- and now through all you who serve God and his people in FOTF. May God bless you all!