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No Such Thing as Can't

SKU: F01789B


There are many books about overcoming obstacles, but this quintessential story of victory over limitations is unique. How many doctors have cerebral palsy? Not many. Yet this disability was part of the Great Physician's plan for Tyler Sexton. Because of it, Tyler has become a role model for others facing adversity, including his patients. He has also become a humble healer who uses his heart and faith along with his intellect and training to help kids and give them hope. Tyler's story has been featured on ABC's 20/20 and was the basis for many episodes of ABC's new show The Good Doctor. This is a story of a man who says, "I'd rather walk with a limp in Christ than with a strut in the world"; who wears superhero T-shirts and tells his little patients they're "super" too, despite their physical problems; and whose stint at a medical school in the Caribbean completely erased the islanders' negative view of disability. Through this inspiring true story, people will be encouraged to face adversity with hope, determination, and the strength of Christ.


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Inspirational and a good read.

R. K.| 2020-08-16 11:22

I listened to the two part interview Focus on The Family radio program with Lisa and Tyler Sexton, M.D. It was honest, heartfelt and inspiring. I ordered the book and read it in two days, I couldn't put it down. I gave it to a family friend, a young woman who has Cerebral Palsy to encourage and give her hope.

We all need inspiration and hope

Jan F| 2024-12-29 17:45

A very inspiring story about overcoming 'the impossible' with God's strength and love! The story is well written and you don't have to have to be a Christian or have a child with a disability to connect with this story of hope. I am going to buy more to share with others.