Radio Theatre Oliver Twist
Focus on the Family’s Radio Theatre’s edition of Charles Dickens’ classic story, Oliver Twist. Oliver is born in a workhouse about 70 miles from London, England in the early 1800s. He is brought up at a “child farm” in the country until the parish officials running the child farm decide it’s time for him to start working, and send him back to the workhouse. When Oliver commits the unpardonable offense of asking for more food, the parish officials offer five pounds to anyone who’s willing to take him on as an apprentice. Oliver is sent off with a coffin-maker whose wife mistreats him. Oliver finally runs away to London, where he meets the Artful Dodger and Fagin. Fagin trains kids to be pickpockets, and then sells off what they steal. Oliver goes through many trials and hardships, but finally gets his happy ending. Recorded in London with an award-winning cast, Oliver Twist will steal your heart and take you back in time as the characters are brought to life in this audio drama. The DVD includes a documentary of the making of the show with the actors, and studio time. Also included are clips about Focus’ I Care About Orphans initiative and discussion regarding how Oliver Twist fits into this area.
Winner of the prestigious 2014 Audie award presented by the Audio Publishers Association.
5 CDs & 1 DVD